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Marketing Strategy

Attract loyal customers, engaged followers and profitable business.

Choosing initiatives that line up with your sustainability strategy is key to your long-term success.


You are so busy running your business and dealing with the day to day of putting out fires, you may not have time to stop and look at the bigger picture.  That's where we come in.  A small investment of your time with us enables us to do powerful research.  We'll report back to you with a menu of great ideas and we won't leave you there.  Together we'll figure out what makes sense for your next steps and we will help you take those steps.


Define Objectives

Setting objectives and goals that incorporate all the good stuff - your committment to conserving resources, reducing carbon emissions and acting ethically and responsibly - makes it easier to develop marketing tactics and communications that roll up to your mission statement.


Connect to a Larger Ecosystem

Our job is to analyze your market positioning and guide you to key sustainability initiatives that will connect you with a larger ecosystem that shares your values and aspirations.  

Convey Value

Your target audience may care about your social mission, but they will only be motivated to support your organization, or purchase your products when the value is highly relevant.

Create a Roadmap
People want to be assured that an investment of their time or money will yield a worthwhile result.  We gather and analyze data to determine your target market segments, and we create a roadmap for reaching them at crucial decision points.  
By the way, how's your energy today?  Is it 100% renewable? 

"We face a future confronted only, as Pogo once said, by insurmountable opportunities. The many crises facing us should be seen not as threats but as chances to remake the future so it serves all beings."
~ L. Hunter Lovins, Founder, Natural Capitalism Solutions 
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